Grandaddy - Now It's On

       2006年間最令全球樂迷傷心的事之一莫過於Grandaddy(台灣譯作老阿公樂團)的解散消息了,從電影28 Days Later中逛超市場景的配樂AM 180開始,我終於第一次接觸到了Grandaddy,於是之後就開始找他們的CD來聽。 誠摯而不矯揉造作的聲音,從平庸中散發出不平凡之光芒,這就是我所聽到的Grandaddy。老阿公的編曲總是這樣的充滿Lo-Fi的味道,卻又可以深深打動人心,他們不華麗,但是聽得時候總是會閃耀著淡淡的光芒。

       這首Now It's On收錄於他們解散前的最後一張正式錄音室專輯Sumday中,總是愛戴棒球帽和留著大鬍子的主唱Jason Lytle,一句句唱出充滿了故事性的歌詞,就像這個MV的內容一樣,看似童心未眠卻又但著科幻而超現實的迷幻風格,當副歌響起時,總會忍不住跟著一起搖頭晃腦,手指也彷彿和他們一起演奏般的假想撥弦動了起來。老阿公就是這樣,就是能用樂符精準地抓住了你的注意力,聽過一次就不會忘的主旋律,但在聽完之後卻又意猶未盡。看著最後前後搖擺的可愛玩偶,我相信沒有人不會為之會心一笑的。
       現在認識Grandaddy還不嫌遲,就如同這首歌詞中的Once it's on you're never wanna turn it off anymore.來吧 ! Now It's On !

Now that the cay's in place
Where the sea is to be
It seems to be that I'm seasoned to be
In a season of the old me
I wouldn't trade my place
I got no reason to be
Weathered and withering
Like in a season of the old me

Bust the lock off the front door
Once you're outside you won't want to hide anymore
Light the light on the front porch
Once it's on you're never wanna turn it off anymore
And now it's on

Now it's on

Now that the lake's in place
Where the dead sea is to be
It seems that I'm seasoned to be
In a season of the old me
I wouldn't trade my place
I got no reason to be
Weathered and Withering
Like in a season of the old me

Bust the lock off the front door
Once you're outside you won't want to hide anymore
Light the light on the front porch
Once it's on you're never wanna turn it off anymore
And now it's on

And now it's on
And now it's on
And now it's on
Now it's on
Now it's on


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